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Writer's pictureagiusarchitects

Residential Architecture and The Resistance to New Technologies

Updated: Aug 22, 2018

It is only human nature for one to resist change and revert to the "old way" of doing things. It is true that there is allot of push back from Architects and Builders when it comes to using new technologies in Architecture. Its easier to design and construct in ways that we are familiar with and have been doing for decades. Its also more profitable to keep that familiar pattern of work and not attempt the new and unknown. This resistance to anything “new” is more pronounced in Residential Architecture and worse yet with historic homes because these residences were originally designed for living a half century or even centuries in the past.  As soon as you mention you want to use an advanced technology like solar energy system or an air source heat pump, the answer will most likely be; "we have never done that before, or you will never recoup your costs on that type of investment, or that can’t be done because of XYZ.  When I begin to work with a Client I encourage them to consider using the latest technology throughout the home.  I also prepare them for the pushback that will come from the Contractors and Sub Contractors.  We must strive to use the latest advancments in building science, because even today’s technology will be outdated and obsolete in 5-10 years.  Why use technology from 1985 when we are nearing 2025?  Let’s design for the here and now... or even the future.  I will be writing a series of posts about our drive to implement advancements in building.  This will include; 

Energy Efficiency  Part 1) windows and doors (Old vs. New)

Part 2) lighting design and controls Part 3) HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) Part 4) insulation 

Resource Conservation Part 5) solar Part 6) material reuse and local sourcing Part 6) saving water in the home and landscape

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